Sunday, December 07, 2008
7th December 2008 is our dearest Jinghong's birthday.
Happy 18th birthday, Jinghong Octopus! :DWish you all the best in whatever you do. Stay handsome la! Hahaha.

feel the beat. [11:09 PM]
Thursday, December 04, 2008
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY, JOLENE!!! :D(Your favourite colour)
Hope you enjoyed this special day very much. Though we aren't by your side to celebrate for you, but please know that we really wanted to celebrate for you. You know babe, we couldn't find the time :) So, maybe other day, but I really don't know the "day" will be when. Hoho :) So, I wish happy waiting for your birthday celebration day :D Hope you will be able to wait for it. Good luck! & good luck for your upcoming examinations. Please study hard & don't buang any of your modules :)
Together as a seafood family, we wish you a Happy Birthday! Entry specially dedicated to you :) Please cry, my dear. We love you!!
feel the beat. [11:06 PM]